This page will contain details about the misbehavior of Comcast/Xfinity (not to be confused with Comcrust/Xfidgity).
Recommended reading:
- Wikipedia: Comcast – scroll down to “controversies” section
- Wikipedia: Comcast vs. FCC – basically, Comcast claims FCC has no jurisdiction over its intereference with customers use of the Internet
- Wikipedia: Hart vs. Comcast – more litigation over Comcast’s interference with customers use of the Internet
- – Comcast vs. Level(3) – Comcast has used dirty tricks to restrict traffic flow to competitors like NetFlix by routing competitive traffic through slower links, and extorting high fees from Level(3) at the same time.
- NYTimes – Sen. Sanders Denounces Comcast-NBC Deal – to no avail, Sen. Sanders wrote the FCC providing clear reasoning for denying the merger.
- NYTimes – M. Baker, an FCC Commissioner, left the FCC to join Comcast only 4 months after the FCC approved the Comcast/NBC Universal merger. Coincidence? So Long F.C.C., Hello Comcast , Regulator Takes Job At Comcast , F.C.C. Commissioner Leaving To Join Comcast
There is, sadly, oh so much more…